Monday, July 16, 2012

Apps uninstaller OS X Windows or Linux the automatically installed applications, can be uninstalled. Unless they are compiled in the case of Linux.

 But in OS X, it does not. There is no installer or apt-get or yum, or something similar.
And to remove an installed application, is not so easy. You must delete the application, system files and records used by application and user files from the application itself.

Fortunately there are applications made ​​by developers who do not belong to Apple, and that are free. And I hereby present AppCleaner from FreeMacSoft.

AppCleaner is a small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps.

Installing an application distributes many files throughout your System using space of your Hard Drive unnecessarily.

AppCleaner finds all these small files and safely deletes them.

Simply drop an application onto the AppCleaner window. It will find for the related files and you can delete them by clicking the delete button.

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4+


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