Friday, November 15, 2013

Home Apple II DOS source code from Computer history Museum

The Computer History Museum scanned in and uploaded some of the original 1978 DOS source code for the Apple II.

There are seven files in this release that may be downloaded by clicking the hyperlinked filename on the left:
Apple_DOS_2June1978.pdf Scanned lineprinter listing from June 2, 1978
Apple_DOS_6Oct1978.pdf Scanned lineprinter listing from October 6, 1978
Apple_DOS_6Oct1978_retyped.docx  Retyped source code of the October 6th version
(This has not yet been assembled, and there may be some typographical errors.)
Apple_DOS_RW_30May1978.txt The source code of the low-level read/write routines by Steve Wozniak and Randy Wigginton.
Apple_DOS_tech_docs.pdf Various technical specifications and designs relating to the Apple II disk drive
Apple_DOS_contracts.pdf Various contracts and addenda between Apple and Shepardson Microsystems
meeting_minutes_5Oct1978.pdf Minutes of a meeting between Apple and Shepardson Microsystem about bugs and enhancements. (Unfortunately we don’t have the list that is referred to.)


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