Monday, July 23, 2012

Asus EeePC Apple Hackitosh Update Snow Leopard 10.6.3 to 10.6.8

Hello to all, is today, I'll explain how I did the update 10.6.8 to 10.6.3 Snow Leopard with a clean installation.

What you need:
  1. 10.6.3 Retail dvd (original dvd or a backup to 8Gb flashdrive)  
  2. Boot CD: Iboot + Multibeast
  3. Kexts (Drivers)
  4. Sleep/Hibernate :
    1. Sleep/Hibernate : OS X10.6.8 / Darwin 10.8.0, SleepEnabler 
    2. VoodooHDA.kext
    3. Wifi:  RT2860_Ralink_Installer_10.5 (STA_RT2860D-
    4. EeePc Pack: (don't have direct link)
    5. nawcom pack:
      1.  EvilAppleACPIPlatform.kext
      2.  EvilIOPCIFamily.kext
  5. Tool:  Kext Utility (
  6. Apple 10.6.8 Update: Apple 10.6.8 Combo Update
  7. Kernel: 10.6.8 / Darwin Legacy Kernel v2  (from Nawcom)
  8. Boot HD: Netbookinstaller 0.8.4 rc1 (NOT 0.8.5pre) "NBI"

Part I - Instalation Mac OS X

  1. Burn a CD or DVD whit Iboot image
  2. Run iboot image, then change whit Snow Leopard installation disk. Them press the F5 key. And select Installation dvd.
  3. Fallow the request installation.
Part II - Boot HD instalation

  1. Execute Netbookinstaller 0.8.4 rc1
  2. Extract Multibeast
  3. Copy dst from ( choose 1GB or 2GB depend ram you use) to multibeast. Execute and choose Easybeast Instal + User DST Install.
  4. Reboot
Part III - Update 10.6.8
  1. Install the 10.6.8 update. DON'T REBOOT. 
  2. Install the new legacy kernel.
    1. Extract the legacy kernel to system root.
    1. Run terminal windows and execute the following commands:
      1. sudo mv /mach_kernel /mach_kernel_bad
      2. sudo mv /legacy_kernel-10.6.8 /mach_kernel
  3. Execute multibeast again Easybeast Instal
  4. Execute Kext Utility
    1. move all kext from SL_Extra_eeePC to kext utility
    2. move all kext from nawcom pack to kext utility
    3. move kext SleepEnabler to kext utility
    4. move kext Install VoodooHDA to kext utility
  5.  Install the wifi
  6. Rebbot
 And all works
    • Wifi
    • Sound
    • trackpad
    • Webcam
    • keyboard
    • Sleep
    • wired ethernet
    This process works if the disc is clean.

    Feel free to comment.


    1. I'm unclear about how you did this without having a dvd drive in the asus 1000h?

    2. great tutorial...too bad the links don't work. can you place them somewhere for download?

      1. Files uploaded

    3. Thanks for uploading the files, I'll give it a shot.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Can you please reupload the files :)

      1. Hello I will look for the files and make a new upload.

    6. Hi....
      Please help me with this Monster!
      I need something to do whith KEXT or smth like files on boot play list...
      The problem -s wi-fi
      Normal boot something stupid whith TEXT on System tools e.t.c

    7. Please help me to do all fine on this MONSTER netbook...
      My English not so good (Greek is better)
      From the information on this page I made the 10.6.8 OSX install...but not so smooth
      Can You Help me to FINISH edit....
      Thanks from Greece

      1. Hello Vasileios,

        For wifi you need I will look for the files and make a new upload.
