Sunday, July 1, 2012

From Fedora Linux to MAC OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3

For more than four years that only work with the Linux Operating System on my personal computers (Desktop and Netbook). I have worked with Linux since Red Hat 5, which gave major headaches, due to lack of incompatabilidade with printers and other peripherals at the time.

 I tried other distros as:
  • Red Har 6.2
  • WinLinux 2000
  • Corel Linux
  • Red Hat 7.1
  • Red Hat 8
  • Fedora Core 1 - 4
  • Open-Suse
Linux OS CD from magazines
Full Linux CD from magazines

And I chose to use Fedora and Centos computers and laptops to servers. And to date I am realy satisfied. Because I have the freedom to customize my way and the variety of software is available free (free like a beer). Both on a personal level, as development and security.

Microsoft OS
Some of my Microsoft OS licenses of my computers
As is clear also I have to use Windows (at work and at home) because some applications that only exist in Microsoft systems. But do not use a dual-boot. I use virtual machines with Windows virtualized Oracle Virtual Box. That day is also free for domestic and business users due to VMWare (thanks VMWare).

Since I am working with the new Gnome 3, I'm hating Gnome. So I'll try it the Mac OS X. Because unlike Microsoft, Gnome, KDE, ... . The graphical environment keeps the same.


Worten Store Mac OS X
Worten Store Mac OS X

 And here begins my story with Apple Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
I had exprimentado MAC OS X 10.5. But I have not had much time to try it the operating system, a technical and personal level.
And then I went on a Saturday to buy an ORIGINAL RETAIL MAC OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 (not a copy or download from torrent), the store Worten. I bought a Family Pack for five computers.

The difference between a single and a family pack is none. Both are completely the same. Because there are no limitations of facilities, is just a legal issue. Because I want to install on multiple devices.

Mac OS X Apple Store
Mac OS X Apple Store

I came home with my Mac OS X Snow Leopard Retail 10.6.3.

That only cost 39.90 euros in the physical store.

 In Apple online store costs 59.00 euros.

Snow Leopard Family Pack
physical store (39,90) vs  Apple store (59,90)
physical store wins 

Mac OS X Snow Leopard prof
Mac OS X Snow Leopard prof
Package Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Retail

Inside package os Mac OS X Retail 10.6.3
Inside package os Mac OS X Retail 10.6.3

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