Saturday, December 8, 2012

How to solve solve problems uninstalling and installing WinPcap in Windows 64-bit e

WinPcap is the industry-standard tool for link-layer network access in Windows environments: it allows applications to capture and transmit network packets bypassing the protocol stack, and has additional useful features, including kernel-level packet filtering, a network statistics engine and support for remote packet capture.  (in

WinPcap is used in various applications for diagnostic monitoring. It is usually used in conjunction with other software such as Wireshark.

In 32-bit environments drivers are installed here :  drive\Windows\System32
In 64-bit environments drivers are installed here :  drive\Windows\SysWOW64

The uninstaller automatically uninstalls the normally 32-bit version, not the 64-bit version.

There monitoring applications as the "Messenger Detect 3" that comes included with the x64 Winpcap. And when it does not detect installed if you have installed the x64 Winpcap. Then install.

If you remove the Winpcap only removes 32 bits. Staying with the 64 bits. If you try to reinstall Winpcap, the Winpcap of error because already installed on 64-bit.

To resolve must disable the services used by drivers Winpcap, go drive the folder "drive\Windows\SysWOW64", and then manually remove the drivers.

Only then can re-install successfully Winpcap.


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